Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hey dad i hope this is your E mail, If its not, someone else is going to read this. I just thought i would let you know that i love you very much. The MTC is really awesome. i am having such a good time. i am picking up the Gospel really well and working way hard with my comps to have good lessons. we had our first real lesson yesterday. we went over lesson one which is families and stuff like that. The restoration is involved in there too. my testimony on Joseph Smith has gone up so much! Ah its crazy. I have been here for a week already and i have learned so much but there is still so much more to learn. Its so awesome! :) I just want to let you know that i love you so much! Thanks so much for giving me the chance to go to on a mission. its the best. My companions are really cool! both of them are from back east and go crazy when they see the mountains. haha i laugh every time cause i am so used to them. but i guess that's part of life. I leave The MTC on march 14 which is coming up SO quick. I don't think i will know all the lessons on time but at least i don't have a language to learn. Right now all the new elders and sisters are coming in so i am no longer the "new kid" so that's awesome. The Dork Dot is LEGIT!!! haha i took it off as soon as i could though. which was that night. I saw Elder Hill on Sunday. we talked for a few minutes... he is going crazy learning the language. he is so good at it! But that's ok cause i know the Gospel really well right now. Just so you know, i can only e mail on Wednesdays and write Wednesdays also but i get mail everyday, mail is the best thing. so have everyone write me a lot. if you have questions anytime during the week, dearelder it. i don't care how long the letters are or whatever but mail is awesome. especially packages :)
My district is really cool. there are 8 of us in there. 3 sisters and 5 elders (counting me). 5 of us are going to the same mission. there are also some Figi Elders going to Santa Rosa but they are in a different class than us so we don't talk much. but i will see them in the field i am sure. My teacher, Brother Ried, served there too so he is telling us so many cool stories about the area. its really nice.
The food here is really good, it just kinda.... well.... makes me have to go the the bathroom a lot.... hahaha. but it does that to everyone. one of the elders called it "turbalance to the body" haha how funny is that? The hardest thing about the MTC well mission life in general, is getting used to someone with me all the time. it sucks but its all for the better. I have learned how to make my bed finally, well i always knew how to but now i actaully have to. haha. i am keeping things very clean and stuff. see i listened to you and mom. Speaking of mom. how is she? i bet she is going to cry once you tell her you have an E mail from me. haha but that just means she cares. How is the family? everyone still sick? I hope not! being sick SUCKS!! I have been sick since Friday... well i have just had a runny nose but i don't like it. I Hope everyone is doing good. How is Andrew doing in school? tell him to set some good study habits. it really helps in the mission. make sure he gets that eagle scout award. Also, tell him not to get addicted to the phone, its been weird without it and some elders cry themselves to sleep at night cause they don't have in. ok that's actually a lie. haha. How is Brendan? still working on basketball? I hope so! that's one thing that i miss the most! besides family of course. And of course Gabe, how is he doing? I hope he is really enjoying himself. I really hope he is not sick... tell him that i love him and he is really awesome. Tell everyone that i said hi and that i love them all and tell them to write a lot. haha. I love you and miss you but i can see the help of the lord in my life already. Its really great. well i am being timed and the timer is going down and its almost lunch time. I love you tons!!!!!!! write back soon :) i will send pictures as soon as i can!
love your studly missionary son, Elder Cody David Penman!
P.S. I heard about the Jazz... good thing i cant watch them for 2 years... But guess who is ranked 3rd in the country for basketball?? that's right BYU!!! :D my teachers fill me in all the time :D

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